Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fast and Easy: Timeshare Purchases

Timeshares are offered for sale at a time when most of us are definitely NOT looking to buy big ticket items. For instance, how many people go on vacation planning to purchase a vacation?

Many times salespeople insist that the property must be purchased before you leave the resort. Come on. If you contact a resort two months later for a purchase, they are not going to refuse your money.

Make sure you read all information. Ask for a quiet place to sit as you go over the information. Better yet, ask to take it with you for perusal. The last time I purchased a timeshare the sellers were quite desperate for a sale. They printed out my timeshare history and told me that I was losing money every month with my current arrangement. (my timeshares are all paid in full) The idea was to convince me that they could save
me money. And you know, it worked. I walked out of the office thinking I had made a good deal. That didn't last long. The next day I requested a meeting with the manager. He was not in. I met instead with the young man that had sold me the property. He wrote out a bunch of figures saying that is how much it would cost per month. I left the office unsatisfied. I went back to the office again, because something was nagging at the back of my mind. It was not saving me money. I asked for an indept explanation as to how the purchase would save me money. Here it is.
        As long as I sent them at least ten people per year, I could earn points that would pay my maintenance fees. I was actually purchasing a timeshare that I did not want, could not afford, located in a place that I should not visit that often (Atlantic City), in a building that I did not like, and I was agreeing to promote the company and send them more people to confuse.  Needless, to say, I went home and exercised my right to cancel. I wrote so many letters to cancel (sent registered to all offices listed) that someone from corporate called and asked me what happened. I got my chance to complain about the fact that I had been lied to.
  • Remember that if you own, the meeting is not mandatory. I often blow them off at my home resort simply because I don't want to hear it.
  • I have resolved that I will no longer go to the presentations that do not pay me money. I have gone to presentations that give you: a bottle of cheap wine, meals for two, boat rides, or almost free stays at other resorts that require you sit in on other presentations.
  • Time: I have never attended a presentation that lasted 90 minutes. They take much, much longer.  Every meeting is designed to sell you something more, not to give you info
  • Always make your appointment in the Am before visiting the bar
  • Eat breakfast before the appointment
  • Remember that the salespeople will say anything to get you to sign the dotted line. You are not even welcome at the presentation if you do not carry a credit card.
  • Just say no.

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